Monday, August 02, 2010

Lip Balm Lori
This segment is brought to you by the connoisseur of lip balm herself: Lori. I am an addictive user of lip products. My history goes a little something like this: Chapstick (Grade School), Carmex (Jr. High), SoftLips (High School), Burts Bees (College), and now Anti-Body lip balm (I have arrived!).
I've always moved on to better products and now I have found a balm that fits my lips and my beliefs! Anti-body lip balm is Fair Trade certified and contains a few simple ingredients: unrefined virgin coconut oil, beeswax, unrefined shea butter, and vitamin E. It kept my lips soft like SoftLips, the peppermint flavor gave me the tingle of Carmex, the quality was comparable if not better than Burts Bees, and it lasted twice as long on my lips! I'm so excited about this new find I can't stop talking about it to everyone I meet. I bought mine at the fair trade store "Ten Thousand Villages" but you can also order it online.

What lip balm to you use? (post a comment here)