Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Victoria & The Boss

Book Front
Book Back w/ CD

My friends Billy and Sarah Mark were planing to sub-let their place to a nice British woman name "Victoria Bishop" which contacted them from a posting they placed on Craigslist. Her boss, called "The Boss" sent them a cheque and told them to go ahead and cash it. But, OOPS! He accidently put her spending $$ on the same check! They would have to send the couple thousand overage back to him. They did. It was a hot check. Billy and Sarah were now $2000 in the red. IDEA! Billy decides to make an art project out if it. He writes amazing music and Sarah sews amazing things! VOILA! A home made story book from two brilliant Los Angeles artists turning a terrible loss into a way to break even again. 
Help a Brother and a Sister out!
Find out more at http://victoriaandboss.webs.com/
Book and CD set are $20 (autographs extra!)