Saturday, September 06, 2008

Surströmming (rotten Swedish fish)

My first night in Säter we were invited to a woman's house to eat a traditional Swedish fish. Everyone was excited to have an Americanski in the bunch to initiate into Swedish culture. You see, this fish is so old and salty that when you open the can it explodes. Oh, and one more thing, it smells like a cats litter box. Yum! Everyone was debating on where to open the can: Down the street? The neighbors yard? They opted for the far side of the back yard closest to the neighbors yard. It was opened and the rancid fumes reached their invasive hands into my nostrils. We were each given a fish. I took some bread and whatever else I could find that could mask the taste and rolled it into a burrito of sorts. Let's just say my eggo was preggo and 1/2 way through I got a delight of caviar. I finished my swedish fish burrito and thrust my hands in the air as if I was winning a prize. I noticed the big guys behind me weren't eating the fish. I inquired. They said they have never and will never touch the stuff, that they were too chicken. And it was on this day that I officially became a swedish man.