I love volunteering with www.ravenandlily.com We get together and eat cookies and drink and make stuff. It's one of my favorite things.
Thursday, December 17, 2009
Raven + Lily Cards
Posted by Wandering FOX at 8:36 PM 1 comments
Tuesday, December 15, 2009
It's Tuesday, a pretty mundane day, other than the fact that I came across this butterfly on my lunch break. The spots in it's feathery brown wings were like drops of aluminum. So beautiful, that nature. Today has been redeemed.
Posted by Wandering FOX at 8:21 PM 0 comments
Monday, December 14, 2009
RIP Dusty
One of my dear friends passed away on Saturday after battling cancer for the past 5 years. We were friends since I was in high school, lost touch for about 10 years then reconnected a little over a year ago. It was like no time had passed. During that time I had the chance to visit him in NYC where he was living. (Who in their right mind moves to NYC when they are sick?!) That just shows what a fighter he was. I spent a week with him at NIH in DC for his chemo treatments, and to celebrate his one year immune system transplant. We met up a few times in L.A. and Dallas too. We always texted and emailed, and I kept up our old tradition of letter writing; Something I have recently gotten out of the habit of doing, but was glad to pick it up again. I let him know early on I was thankful for his presence in my life again. The past five years had brought me a different kind of hardship in the form of depression and burn out. Seeing him was like seeing the opposite of myself; He was dying on the outside but alive on the inside while I felt I was alive on the outside but dying on the inside. I needed this so desperately, this terrible, beautiful visual to remind me that life is worth living. Till the end he fought hard. The last time I heard from him was two weeks ago. I knew from update emails he wasn't doing well, so his text shocked me. I was at work and instantly burst into tears. He just said, "Are you still in Cali? I miss you." I honestly never thought I would hear from him again, but even so I had been texting and calling him every few days just to let him know I was thinking and praying for him. I rushed outside to call him. I left him a message saying, "I am so proud of you Justin. What I love about you is that you are such a strong, fighting spirit, and the beautiful thing is that that is what will live forever. You are such an inspiration to me and a dear friend. I am so thankful for you in my life. I love and miss you. Good-bye." And now bravely yet reluctantly he has moved on before us. We will all be with him before we know it, time goes so fast. But in the mean time I will take the time I have left to live on the inside too. Thank you Justin Sullivan, for who you were here on this earth; for driving me crazy, for making me laugh, for being creative, for singing me rap songs, and for always being you. You will be greatly missed.
Posted by Wandering FOX at 10:08 PM 2 comments
Thursday, November 26, 2009
I walked by the most beautiful flowering tree today. As if it was spring it was all decked out in pink and frills. I cut a piece off to add to my wardrobe. Such a fancy tree with bountiful flowers should share. Wouldn't you agree?
Posted by Wandering FOX at 8:41 AM 0 comments
Tuesday, November 17, 2009
Friday, November 13, 2009
Tuesday, November 03, 2009
Raven + Lily Online Store Launch TODAY!!
Posted by Wandering FOX at 6:01 PM 0 comments
Saturday, October 31, 2009
Happy Halloween!!!

Posted by Wandering FOX at 11:43 PM 1 comments
Sunday, October 25, 2009
Maria Shriver's "The Women's Conference"
www.californiawomen.org Raven + Lily will have a booth this Monday and Tuesday at First Lady Maria Shriver's "The Women's Conference" in Long Beach, California. It is a conference that "empowers women to be architects of change." We are proud to represent our women's co-ops in India + East Africa + Los Angeles, sell their products, and sign up volunteers for our Los Angeles group! We are expecting 14,000 in foot traffic at the event. Just wanted to share what is going on and a photo of our booth!
Posted by Wandering FOX at 9:05 PM 0 comments
Tuesday, September 29, 2009
Victoria & The Boss

Posted by Wandering FOX at 11:24 PM 0 comments
Tuesday, August 25, 2009
My Friends Company on ABC this Sunday!

Soul's Calling appears on ABC's "Shark Tank"

Shark Tank Dallas Viewing Party

Posted by Wandering FOX at 12:12 PM 0 comments
50% off f o x L O R ((this week only!!))
Posted by Wandering FOX at 11:33 AM 0 comments
Friday, July 31, 2009
Wednesday, July 29, 2009
Entoto is a mountain in Ethiopia where there is supposedly holy water that heals those with AIDS. The church there does not allow those on the mountain to use helpful drugs to treat HIV/AIDS saying they should instead have faith to be healed, and they do nothing to educate those living there about their disease. Most come there on their own or are dropped off by family members and left to die. It is a dark place of hopelessness as no one is ever healed. BEZA has been going to the mountain to educate the women there, get them the HIV/AIDS treatment that they need, and provide them with work through their jewelry making, chocolate, and yarn spinning programs. Being with the women it was easy to forget the hardships they suffer because they were so beautiful, lively, and full of hope. It is an honor to partner with them.
Posted by Wandering FOX at 3:57 PM 0 comments
Tuesday, July 28, 2009
PACWA/WOGA Women's Centre
Posted by Wandering FOX at 6:35 PM 0 comments
Monday, July 27, 2009
My Favorite TWO Things (Today)
Posted by Wandering FOX at 5:46 PM 0 comments
Sunday, July 26, 2009
Burundi Market
Posted by Wandering FOX at 5:49 PM 0 comments
Saturday, July 25, 2009
Jet Lag
ps- my staying up late jet-lag experiment worked!
Normally when I travel East I arrive at my destination in the morning. I sleep on the plane as much as possible so by the time I get there I am ready to go. This time we arrived at night so I had to reconfigure my plan. I stayed up all night the night before. Flew from Los Angeles-DC with no sleep, then from DC- Switzerland slept as much as I could. From Switzerland to Kenya tried not to sleep though narcolepsy kicked in a few times. It worked. Totally. Loads of water too. And Swiss Chocolate. All secrets to success.
Posted by Wandering FOX at 8:38 AM 1 comments
Beautiful Burundi
Today we went with Peace to meet the women at the sewing cooperative that we will be working with. They welcomed us in song and dance and then introduced themselves to us. Even now as I type it brings tears to my eyes to think about all their stories of how this program has completely changed their lives. They are all so talented and full of potential and just need the opportunity to grow. Nobel Peace Prize Winner Muhammed Yunus said,
"Poor people are a like bonsai tree, a little tree. You pick the seed of the tallest tree in the forest and take the best seed out of it, and plant it in a flower pot. You get a tiny little tree, we call it a bonsai. Nothing wrong with the seed, you've got the best seed possible. Nothing wrong with the tree, because you actually picked the tallest tree in the forest. But actually it grows [small]... why? Because we put them in the flower pot. The base. Society is the base. And society is so stingy it doesn't give the poor ppl the space to grow..."
These women have all the brain power and will to do what needs to be done, but no where to grow. We are hoping we can make that flower pot a bit bigger by opening up a US market to them. They were very excited about the designs we showed them. We kinda are too! (-:
Posted by Wandering FOX at 8:35 AM 0 comments
Friday, July 24, 2009
We arrived in Burundi from Kenya. It was an amazing welcome for us as we went with our host Peace to her cousin's wedding and nephew's graduation celebration. The wedding was filled with tribal dancing and drumming and singing from Burundi and Rwandan traditions.
Posted by Wandering FOX at 8:32 PM 0 comments
Thursday, July 23, 2009
Kenya Sweet Kenya
It is the dead of winter here in Kenya. Temperatures drop into the lower 60's F. Somehow we are surviving. The constant flow of coffee and chai are helping.
From Antarctica, I mean Kenya (((bbrrrrrrr))),
Posted by Wandering FOX at 12:31 PM 0 comments