Wednesday, July 29, 2009


Entoto is a mountain in Ethiopia where there is supposedly holy water that heals those with AIDS. The church there does not allow those on the mountain to use helpful drugs to treat HIV/AIDS saying they should instead have faith to be healed, and they do nothing to educate those living there about their disease. Most come there on their own or are dropped off by family members and left to die. It is a dark place of hopelessness as no one is ever healed. BEZA has been going to the mountain to educate the women there, get them the HIV/AIDS treatment that they need, and provide them with work through their jewelry making, chocolate, and yarn spinning programs. Being with the women  it was easy to forget the hardships they suffer because they were so beautiful, lively, and full of hope. It is an honor to partner with them.

One of the women hard at work!
A women in the Entoto Project Program modeling one of our designs that she was crafting.
Kirsten and I working with the women to finalize the designs.

Sophi and Emily at BEZA International. Sophi and her husband started BEZA.